Friday, October 27, 2006

what is harry benjamin syndrome

understaning Harry Benjamin Syndrome in Males.

The Physical Symptoms of Harry Benjamin Syndrome (HBS) in Males
reproductive organs that are incongruent with the male identity
menstruation-bleeding and hormone imbalance
impaired phallus functionality
Genital appearance at birth, gonads and chromosomes are not completely reliable determinants of an individual's sex. In the majority of the population, these markers are congruent with innate sexual identification, however in HBS, as with a number of other conditions such as CAH and AIS, these commonly used predictors of a individual's sex are ineffective.
If untreated, males with this condition often experience depression, along with extreme personal discomfort (dysphoria). Most resort to typical male pattern strategies to manage their trauma. Many have a history of suicide attempts, or substance abuse.

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